Tobacco, Virginia (Nicotiana tabaccum) packet of 100 seeds


Tobacco, Virginia (Nicotiana tabaccum) packet of 100 seeds


Freshly harvested 2023

Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)

Annual. 90 days to harvest

(Nicotiana tabaccum) “Virginia” Tobacco seeds, Pink flower.

Sow seeds on surface (or sprinkle them everywhere ). and press in if you like, then keep evenly moist and in the light until germination. Tobacco likes a nitrogen-rich soil. Space plants 2 feet apart.
Once you bring a patch to fruition, it will probably volunteer the next year, springing up where you least expect it–a very independent plant!

i really enjoyed this read, on making mapacho from your leaves, same method could be applied for this variety.

and more connection to tobacco, have a look at the book “Plant Teachers: Ayahuasca, Tobacco, and the Pursuit of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby and Rafael Chanchari Pizuri”

& the documentary 1111iceland has a brilliant section on Sacred Tobacco. worth your time.

100 seeds/pkt., approx .

Organically Grown

please note your legality’s of growing and importing seeds (we all know that’s the biggest con of all time, as if nature is illegal then freedom dosnt exist!) but just do your research and follow your heart. 

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