"San Pedro Cactus" Trichocereus Seeds - Pre 2023 ( 93 Varieties)

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"San Pedro Cactus" Trichocereus Seeds - Pre 2023 ( 93 Varieties)


Please see the NEW 2023 seed listing here:



San Pedro cactus Australia

Trichocereus Seeds wish to find new homes and gardens :)

I purchased a few growers seeds, including The Trichocereus Australia Master growers pack, Ross Guarus New Zealand Pachanoi 2022 Growers pack & i also recently imported some of MISPLANTS crosses from the USA, which are highly sort after .

All these packs in total contained over 8000 Trichocereus Seeds. Having planted over 3000 myself, i havnt got the space to continue sowing them all.

SO i have made these unique and one off varieties available for someone else!
There is 60 varieties to choose from, but each packed is only available once.
There is 20-30 seeds apprx in each packet, some more, (some less, they are noted).

And each packet is sold at $5-7 each depending on rarity
Some of these are worth more. but thats fine by me, i would rather someone start growing them now, instead of sticking around with me unplanted!

Check out the drop down menu on below for the selection.
There is many unique crosses from the Trichocereus family.

T.Pachanoi and T.Peruvianus and T.Bridgesii are the standard 3 “San Pedro” Cactus you will see.
They all have unique characteristics, due to where there lineage comes from / location.
Pachanoi is considered generally very dreamy, Peruvianus very clean and Bridgesii the grand daddy with a very direct teaching. so its often great to mix a combination which suits the occasion <3

I have ordered them with the Mother plant first.
For example, a T.Pachanoi “fields” x T.Peruvianus “ norma“. Means, That the mother plant is the Trichocereus Pachanoi, the clone is “Fields” and this will be the dominate genetics. then the father cactus is T.Peruvianus “Norma”.
+ Every seed has its own signature, yet that is the mother and father.
you grow cactus that nobody has seen before, which is truly amazing ! The genetic diversity is amazing and very diverse aswell. sometimes youll get a mutant or a varigated plant which is always fun to grow out.

i love growing these cactus allies , and i wish you a very happy growing yourself.

Best method is the “takeaway tek” or “tub tek” for germination, so please check that out online .
a photo for reference is included here on the listing. its individual plastic pots within a plastic tub (for humidity), with vermiculite and seedraising mix and some cinnamon sprinkled over the seeds when germinating to help with any fungal issues

ps. Shout out to Rodni from Trichocereus Australia for the seeds, he is one of my biggest inspirations. Nearly all these crosses where grown and crossed by him. Sadly some of these varities wont be available anymore, due to the flooding in NNSW which heavily damaged his collection/greenhouse this year. I hope he gets back up and running again soon.
*last 3 photos: are Ross Guarus garden, where all the New Zealand Pachanois are coming from. he let the bees open polinate everything this year. so hence why its all Open crosses! Amazing Garden!

if you have any questions about growing seed or cactus, please reach out. i love to talk about this plant. happy growing!

pps: if you want to read a AI generated blogpost on san pedro check it out here www.hazelmandala.com/san-pedro-cactus-australia

please note, I will try and help replace seeds if lost or damaged. We insure to pack so the seeds make it to you safely, yet the modern postal industry sometimes isn’t as careful as we are. However note, if you are located in a country very far from Australia. You are buying at your own risk. And please be patient for the mail to arrive, it could take a couple of weeks, sometimes slightly longer in exotic locations.

Trichocereus Seed:
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